Ground Zone Environmental Services, Hayward

Ground Zone at Work

Immediate Client Response: Industrial Stormwater Compliance

In the fall of 2014, Ground Zone received a high priority Client request. The Client had an immediate need for a qualified consultant to prepare a detailed stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPP) and to address issues regarding potential violations that had been cited by the State of California ("the State").

Ground Zone was able to respond within one week with the delivery of a 230-page SWPPP document addressing all potential violations cited during the routine inspection by the State. Our quick action saved our client approximately $45,000 in potential fines.

Our Client was pleased with the results:

Sam: I had gotten a response back from the State and we received no violation or penalty. They liked the work we did.

Global Community Outreach: A Tanzania Water Well

In August of 2014, Ground Zone visited Tanzania to install a 200-foot deep water supply well for the Shinda Basic School and Community in Arusha, Tanzania, Africa.

This outreach evolved as a result of our involvement with the PETNA Foundation, an organization developed to help impoverished communities through-out the world. The Shinda Village in Tanzania was specifically selected for this project because of a friendship developed between Victor Kimaro (a son of the soil) and the founder of the PETNA Foundation. Victor now living in Brentwood California, is himself a product of the Shinda Basic School. He felt the call to do something to give back to the school and his community.

The Shinda Basic School seats approximately 200 students from the surrounding community. The physical school is small, with no running water broken class room windows are and is a facility in need of repair. Yet even with these physical shortcomings, the school is observed to be one of the top 10 performing schools in the area. The school is surrounded by a community with an average annual income of approximately $1,200 - $2,400 US a year. Prior to this project, running water in the surrounding community was scarce with community members traveling miles to obtain their water.

After approximately one year of meticulous planning, detailed analysis and negotiations, Ground Zone visited Tanzania to install a much needed water well. Within one week we were able to install and develop the well. Subsequently, we were able to assist the community with the installation of a water storage system. We also assisted the community with a water treatment process to reduce the concentration of fluoride, a naturally occurring chemical in water. This process was necessary to prevent fluorosis, a browning of tooth enamel caused by presence of fluoride.

Today, this community well is fully operational and is the primary source of water for the entire community, approximately 1,000 people who no longer must travel miles to obtain their primary water supply.

Water supply well installation activities in Arusha, Tanzania
Kids looking on anxiously at the installation of new community well installation

Nimble and Immediate Response: Temporary Slope Repair at Landfill

Ground Zone's ability to quickly mobilize and respond Client needs is illustrated by a temporary slope repair project completed within just four days of the Client's initial call.

On December 31, 2015, Ground Zone received a Client call regarding the need for temporary repairs to a slope that had failed due to heavy rains over the holiday season. We immediately responded with a plan and obtained Client approval.

By January 4, 2016, Ground Zone, had retained the services of a subcontractor and fully completed implementation of the approved plan. Completion of this work was a significant milestone, not only due to the quick response, but the severe weather in the area. Our ability to respond quickly, regardless of the conditions, not only prevented further erosion of the slope, but also our Client from experiencing significant financial loss.

Eroded slope
Repaired slope
Ground Zone Environmental Services, Hayward